URSYNÓW HELPS UKRAINE – a humanitarian aid point for war refugees from Ukraine

War is a terrible time and all the bad news from our neighbors is tearing our hearts apart.

In order to support our friends and neighbors from Ukraine, together with the Ursynów District of the Capital City of Warsaw, as part of the # URSYNÓWPOMAGAUKRAINIE campaign, we organized a humanitarian aid point for war refugees from Ukraine.

The point was in operation from the beginning of the war until May. First it was in Hala Tesco in Kabaty, then it moved to 8 Dereniowa Street.

All this would not have happened without the help of hundreds of volunteers and people of good will. Our point supported over 400 people every day.

Many thanks to our C U D O W N Y C H W O L O N T A R I U S Z Y❤❤❤ – thank you for your time, help, openness, kindness and kind word to every visitor to the point of receiving and distributing the most necessary things to refugees from Ukraine.

We would like to thank all the donors who were with us and our guests from Ukraine. Sincere thanks for every thing, one zloty you shared, for everything … for these deep and inexhaustible layers of goodness !!! ❤❤❤

In the point you could find:

Women’s, men’s and children’s clothing,

Shoes, hygiene products,



Baby carriages,





toys and much more.

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